tapis de jeu le bubulle

At what age should Tapilou be used?

tapis de jeu bébé le bubulle

At what age should you put your baby on a play mat?

We often hear “My child is almost a year old, he no longer needs a play mat.”

FAKE ! The tapilou can be used for years, it is scalable and follows baby in his discoveries, his learning and all his growth.

Since birth

The baby can be placed on the Tapilou to awaken to the world and best develop his motor skills. Indeed, during the first weeks the baby is often on his stomach or back, the mat will allow him to move more and turn around without risking injury. All his movements will serve to strengthen his muscles.

A play mat is therefore essential for moving around safely and being able to improve their gross motor skills.

illustration tapis de jeu bébé

Around these 1/2 years

The baby will use the play mat to try new experiences always in complete safety. Now that he knows how to use his limbs to crawl and frolic properly. He can explore and have fun even more on the play mat. It will then be a question of adding different toys, shapes, textures and colors so that he develops his brain. This will therefore allow them to stimulate touch, sight, hearing and smell at the same time.

illustration tapis de jeu bébé

4 years and over

The play mat always remains a useful way to entertain yourself by creating a play space or a reading space for the child. Even though he is bigger, he can still benefit from his play mat by using it for creative workshops like painting, play dough, sensory activities, papier-mâché and many others. No longer be afraid to take out the artillery hidden at the bottom of the cupboards, thanks to its waterproof side, just a wipe with a sponge is enough to clean it!


illustration tapis de jeu tapilou

To conclude, tapilou is made for babies, little ones and even older ones! Yoga, pilates, gym, meditation, you no longer have an excuse to avoid sport at home. You will have understood, the tapilou is ready for any family activity!

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